Editor: Sharon Butler
Description: "I created Two Coats of Paint to share reviews, commentary, news, and background information about painting and related subjects."
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. Michelle Forsyth at Auxiliary Projects in Bushwick
. Mario Naves and Brett Baker at Elizabeth Harris Gallery
" Where Naves paints thin and elegantly hard edge, keeping his lively images on the surface, Baker goes thick and clotty, creating small-scale blocks of abstraction, seemingly squeezed directly from the tube. Baker's paintings are darker and more obsessive than Naves, and they suggest that he is entertaining a philosophical question, trying to convince himself that, despite all practical evidence to the contrary, meaning resides in the process. And so he continues--we all do."
Image: Brett Baker, Sisyphus (after Camus), 2008-2011, oil on canvas, 6 x 6 inches
" Where Naves paints thin and elegantly hard edge, keeping his lively images on the surface, Baker goes thick and clotty, creating small-scale blocks of abstraction, seemingly squeezed directly from the tube. Baker's paintings are darker and more obsessive than Naves, and they suggest that he is entertaining a philosophical question, trying to convince himself that, despite all practical evidence to the contrary, meaning resides in the process. And so he continues--we all do."